Boil Water Noticed Has Been Lifted by the City of Lewisville

Boil water Notice LIFTED

Updated, Monday, 2 p.m.

Here’s the link to the City of Lewisville to learn more

According to the City of Lewisville’s website –

After a boil water notice is lifted, there are steps residents should take to ensure the safety of the water in their home.

  • Flush all faucets: Run cold water at every tap in your house for at least 5 minutes. This includes sinks, tubs, and showers.
  • Flush water heater: Run hot water from a faucet for 40 minutes.
  • Discard old ice: Throw away any ice made while the boil water notice was in effect.
  • Run an empty dishwasher cycle.
  • Refrigerator water dispensers should be flushed according to manufacturer specifications.
  • Flush automatic ice makers. Ice cubes should be emptied and run through a 24-hour cycle. Make three batches of ice and discard them.
  • Run water softeners through a regeneration cycle.
  • Get rid of water in humidifiers, CPAP machines, and other electric devices that collect water. Thoroughly clean all the machines before using them.
  • Flush all toilets.

Boil Water Notice February 2, 2025

More information on on City of Lewisville website –

City Wide Water Outage – February 1, 2025